Here you will find the services that I offer from 3D Animation, interactive media applications, graphic design/ photo manipulation, video
editing/capturing, Audio mixing/editing, webpage design, website hosting, and much more.
Feel free to contact me with ideas or projects that you may have and I will get a quote back to you.
3D Animations
I can create 3D characters and projects using Maya and 3D Studio Max. These can be used to create animations or
hi-res still images.
Interactive Media
I can create Interactive media applications using Director and Flash, these can be exported into web pages, EXE
files, onto CD's, and DVD's.
Graphic Design/ Photo Manipulation
I can create graphic designs using Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, 3D Studio Max, as well as traditional mediums using
pen/paper, and acrylic paints. I have created posters and flyers for major concerts starting Rebecca St. James.
Video Editing/Capturing
I can create, capture, edit, and produce videos using applications such as Premiere and After Effects. These can range
from anything such as music videos, plays, interviews, movies, commecials, and more.
Audio Capturing/Editing/Mixing
I can create, edit, capture, and mix audio using Sound Forge and Acid. I can work with existing audio or capture the
raw audio and clean it up. All of my 3D animations in this portfolio I have mixed the audio on.
Webpage Design
I can create, edit, webpages in HTML, Java, CSS, shopping carts and much more. To see the webpages that I have
designed go to Websites in my Portfolio section.
Web Hosting
I can host webpages on my own server at
Plans Starting at just $4.99 a month.